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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Swiss National Day

The first of August and the flag is flying! The last few years we have spent the day in Switzerland, but this year we are giving it a miss. We celebrated with Thomy Senf, Schabziger cheese, boiled potatoes and bratwürst....and a very unSwiss Sangria!


  1. happy swiss day pa

    yum could just eat what your eating there, not had Schabziger for years.


  2. He found it at Carlo's Deli, ready grated in a tub. I'm not sure if it will keep as well as the hard block, but we are more likely to use it if we don't have to grate it first!

  3. Mmmmmmmmm schabziger
    Happy (belated) Swiss day
    nice picture of Dad smiling, can I have a 300 dpi copy please?


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